Just Call Me Mommy

Life as a Mommy

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I Think I Can

I Think I Can... I Think I Can.


I'm trying to keep up with my updates here. I've been slacking majorly due to exhaustion, but now that my little nugget of a child is sleeping better I'm feeling a little more alive (with the help of a soda or two).

So what's new with me, you ask?

Well, I'm having issues with my thyroid. Seems the damn thing was enlarged so after a blood test my doctor decided to put me on medicine (and you know I hate taking any sort of medicine) to try and get it under control. Of course I've been researching on the internet about thyroid problems and I keep reading that this whole thing will make me overweight... like I'm not already? Of course I've read that some people use the medicine the doc put me on to lose weight.

It's all so confusing.

My doctor is old and crusty (damn insurance) and he wasn't a big help with all of my quesions. Would it be so hard to find a great doctor who knows all the answers and doesn't take four hours to see? Anyone out there know if such a doctor exists?

Anyhoo... I started taking the medicine three days ago. No side effects, no problems (yet). We'll see in two months when I go back and they re-test.


Okay, that's enough of an update for today...

I'll be back tomorrow (hopefully).


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