Just Call Me Mommy

Life as a Mommy

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Barter System

My husband is a pro at the old barter system. He is so good at it, he can take a soft shell turtle and turn it into a running vehicle (Yes, he's done this). Since I'm not working a paying job, he offered to give me a running 302 V8 engine to barter and trade to get what I've got my eye on.

What I have my eye on is a Canon EF 24-105L F/4 lens for my 5D... if you google it, it is not cheap and I need it! I do, I swear I do. :)

So I have this engine and I have no idea where to start. He's busy with so many things I hate to ask him to stop what he's doing to make a deal for me. I guess I'll craigslist it and see what hits I get.

Wish me luck.


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