Don't Jynx Me!!
My Mom is swearing that I'm having my baby this weekend (*knocks on wood*). I'm trying to ignore her... She called me yesterday and I didn't get to my cell phone fast enough (which is nothing new with me, I'm always slow to answer my phone b/c it's usually stuck at the bottom of my purse and I can't hear it), so two minutes later, she's ringing me again all worried that I'd had the baby or something.
*rolls eyes*
Yes, I know Mom's are supposed to be like this, but COME ON!! Leave me be! I'm grumpy and don't need her to jynx me into having my baby early. It's too soon! I'm only 36 weeks and considered pre term! Besides, if I go in early for my c-section, they call it an emergency c-section and have to put my baby in the NICU and she has to be observed and can't be with me. I've told everyone that since I've carried her with me for this long, as soon as she comes into the world I want her all to myself, not carted off to be alone with strangers who might poke and prod at her.
I want none of that!
So, I'm holding this baby in until the 16th damnit!
Besides that baby mama drama, nothing is going on. My feet are swollen, I'm exhausted, and hungry... but that's nothing new, is it? :D